Wednesday, April 28, 2010

6th Grade Band Tour

Yesterday was the 6th Grade Band Tour.  It was an absolutely gorgeous day.  The sun was shining, the kids behaved (mostly).  We got to play for two great groups of elementary students.  It is always so fun to watch the reactions of the little kids to the music and as we introduce the instruments of the band.  This year we had an animal theme so the kids got to play such fun pieces as "The Waltzing Giraffe," "Early Byrd," "Tyranasaurus Rocks," "Name Those Tunes" (which included songs about animals), and my personal favorite, "When the Rhinos Do the Rhumba in the Rain." 

The best part of the day was watching the kids play at the park where we ate lunch.  The girls started playing "baseball."  They didn't have a ball or bat, but they didn't need it.  We sat and watched them for quite a while.  The boys came over and tried to play but they didn't seem to have the imagination (or respect for the rules) as the girls did.  Everyone made it home safe and sound.  Its always an adventure!! 

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