Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Return of the Random Dozen!

1. When was the last time you laughed until you cried?
  While there have been some very amusing moments at band camp this week I about died on the golf course one night when my teammate Gayle started telling one of her stories.  I took a drink of water at the exact moment she was acting out part of her story and about choked.  It was wasn't funny at the time and I was maybe crying because of the choking more so than the actual story but I'm going to count it anyway.

2. If you found $10 today, what would you do with it?
Put it in my pocket........duh!

3. Do you volunteer anywhere?

4. What is your favorite summertime veggie or fruit, and how do you eat it?
Not a huge fruit or veggie eater but I won't turn down good cantelope or honeydew.

5. Is your social sphere (circle of friends) small, medium or large?
I guess mine is mediumish, once you count all the folks I talk to at band practice in Con.

6. When was the last time you attended a family or school reunion? How did that go?
Actually have never attended a class reunion because I've always been too busy playing band director.  Haven't really been to any family things for a while either.......

7. When you're feeling blue, what is the best way someone can cheer you up?
Quoting the "Peter at the Perk" video from YouTube will usually always put a smile on my face........Peace and blessings, peace and blessings.

8. Have you taken a vacation this summer?
  Actually 2!!!  We went to Minneapolis and New Orleans.

9. What is the most unnecessary item you carry with you all the time?
What is the point of an unnecessary item??

10. What is the best summer flick you have seen so far?
I have not seen one movie released this summer.   

11. Describe a perfect summer day.
A COOL day kayaking on the lake or playing golf.  Not so much digging the triple digits at this point.

12. Please a share a favorite photo from the summer so far!

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