Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day #1

Ahh.....the first snow day of the school year.  I went to bed last night with the "I'll believe it when I see it" attitude because we've been burned on this snow thing before.  When the phone rang at 4:45 I immediately jumped up and looked out the window.   WOOHOO!!!!!!

So, after sleeping late, the ceremonial checking of Facebook, and watching Allie try to roll her half deflated basketball around in the snow, I contemplated what I should accomplish.  I vacuumed for a while until I discovered that one of the filters was plugged so I disassembled and washed the filter.  So much for that.  I then tackled the huge pile of papers that haven't magically filed themselves.  Got that organized.  Worked a little on the two small file cabinets that have the important papers and all the owner's manual.  Got that organized.  Then I tackled the desk.  I went through all the drawers and removed some unnecessary stuff.  Which, I have a really nice calendar/wallet thing if anyone wants it.

I went through some pictures and decided to tackle a large collage picture frame I bought a while ago.  I still need some up and down pictures to finish filling it.  Matt even got in the cleaning mood and started going through stuff in his room.  He filled at least 3 trash bags with stuff.  Anyway, the desk is looking pretty good and I'm thinking if I had another snow day I could maybe get the dining room table cleaned off, but I'm not holding my breath.

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