Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bengal Victory

Well, tonight I got my first win as a head coach.  We had our good moments and then some not so good moments but in the end we came out on top.  We played at Fort Riley Middle School.   Tonight was their first game and in 7th grade they have 31 boys out.  In the "B" game they had a little guy playing who made our smallest guy look big.  He was so small that when he tucked his jersey in you couldn't even see the number.   That little guy hustled all over the court though.

Its only 9:00 and I am fighting to keep my eyes open.  I was expecting to be wide awake and wound up from the adreneline.  The other Coach B usually takes a couple of hours to wind down from a game.  Maybe its because we play the "B" game second and my assistant takes over.  Maybe it was the hour long bus ride home in the fog.  Strange, not what I expected after my first win.  Maybe after my second win.......

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