Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Second Win

Tonight was the 2nd victory for the Bengals.  I was pretty wound up after this one but it is amazing what an hour long bus ride home with a bunch of 7th and 8th grade boys and all the smells associated with said boys are pretty much a buzz kill. 

I am glad tomorrow is Friday.  Even though it was a short week, it was very long.  Why is it that the short weeks always feel longer than a regular week?  This is a phenomenon that I think science should look into.  That and the break in the time/space continuum between the high school and middle school.  Have a great Friday!!!!!!!!


  1. Kris, Here I am! When I coached track I had to ride in the back of the boy's bus after a "urinating in a bottle" episode. Thank goodness we usually had the windows down.

  2. I hear you on the boy smells. They are killer.

    And I totally agree about the long week....I am about to die.

    Let me know if you need any help on this blogging deal. IT can be a time suck continuum. :)
